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Reset & Recharge

 Fully supported home cleanse

Eliminate. Restore. Reset.

Fall is the PERFECT time for a cleanse!

Join us from the comfort of your home for 7 days of prep, followed by a 3 week supported cleanse and then followed up with a 3 week of reintegration back into "real life".

Resetting your health is not just about optimizing your internal mechanisms. It's about resetting the way you live. 

Join us. Cost is $255 (normally $275) and includes all supplements needed for the 3 week cleanse, 3 week reintegration, downloadable participant guide with trackers, printed nutrition guide, meal plan, grocery lists, recipes, daily mindfulness prompts, private online support group, Reset Bracelet to remind you of your dedication to resetting your body and ZOOM yoga links to my own restorative yoga practices. 

3 phases of the cleanse

Friends in Fast Food Restaurant



In Phase 1, you'll RECLAIM your body, accessing its inner chemistry and preparing it for change. In Week One, you'll gradually remove foods such as red meat and dairy from your diet, which are known to place stress on the digestive system.

Fall Salad


Week 2

In Phase 2, you'll begin to RELEASE unwanted compounds that have been holding your system back and start the detoxification process. In Week Two, you'll be eating a fully vegan diet.

Fruit & Vegetable Market


Week 3

In Phase 3, you'll help RESTORE your digestive system along with other internal processes to better efficiency, putting nutrients, enzymes, and pre- and probiotics back into your body. In Week Three, you'll be eating mostly fruits and vegetables.

real results

The unboxing!

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